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In the following section we mirror the module structure of the queries and present to you what they do. You can learn


The results of queries can be sorted, paginated and filtered peer-side all at once.


Expand to learn about the conventions used in the descriptions below
  1. In the Details section of each query, we use gets, returns, searches with the following precise meanings:

    getsThe query already has the data readily available and the data is trivial. Use these queries at will.
    returns or findsThe query has the data readily available, just as with gets, but the data is not trivial. You can still use these queries, but be mindful of the performance impact.
    searchesFor this query, the data must be actively collected and neither the return type nor the collection process is cheap. Use with great care.
  2. The queries are provided with just one data type as input, and parameterised by the type of the output.

  3. For the FindZByXAndY queries, their descriptions have a Parameters and a Returns section. The parameters can either be single or multiple types, while the output is almost always either one type, or a Vec<Type> kind of construction:

    Parameters: (X, Y)In Rust source code, you need to construct the query as let query = FindZByXAndY::new(x: X, y: Y);, where x and y are variables of type X and Y respectively. In the reference below we provide you with information about each type.
    Returns: Vec<Z>The return value is a collection of more than one element of type Z. Depending on the SDK implementation this can be a type native to the language (e.g. JavaScript) or a thin wrapper around the Rust Vec structure.


An optional feature. By default, it is present on all Iroha 2 deployments when they're compiled in the private blockchain configuration.

You can learn more about roles in a dedicated section.


  • Returns: Vec<Roles>

  • Details: Returns all roles registered as global (as opposed to domain-scoped) in the blockchain.


  • Returns: Vec<Roles>

  • Details: Returns IDs of all the roles registered as global (as opposed to domain-scoped) in the blockchain.

    Note that it does not return its values, which contain permission tokens, only IDs.


  • Parameters: RoleId

  • Returns: Vec<Roles>

  • Details: Returns the role that has the provided role ID.

    For example, given the name of the role admin, it will return all of the admin-level permission tokens.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Vec<RoleId>

  • Details: Returns all of the role IDs that are attached to the given account.

    Note that unlike FindAllRoles, it does not return the roles themselves.


A semi-optional feature. You have permissions in both public and private blockchains but the use cases are different:

  • In a public blockchain, most accounts have the same common-sense permissions.
  • In a private blockchain, most accounts are assumed not to be able to do anything outside of their own account or domain unless explicitly granted said permission.

We talk about permissions in more detail in a dedicated chapter.


  • Returns: Vec<PermissionTokenDefinition>

  • Details: Finds all registered permission token definitions.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Vec<PermissionToken>

  • Details: Returns all of the permission tokens granted to the specified account.


Most queries in Iroha pertain to accounts. At the moment this is the most diverse set of queries.


  • Returns: Vec<Account>

  • Details: Finds all accounts registered globally in the blockchain.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Account

  • Details: Returns the full account information corresponding to the given AccountId.


  • Parameters: (AccountId, Name)

  • Returns: Value

  • Details: Returns the value keyed by the provided Name for the given account.

    This is done by querying the metadata attached to the given account.


  • Parameters: Name

  • Returns: Vec<Account>

  • Details: Returns all of the accounts that have the given Name.

    This is particularly useful if you remember the name of the account, but do not, for example, recall the domain name in which it was registered.


  • Parameters: DomainId

  • Returns: Vec<Account>

  • Details: Returns all accounts that belong to a specific domain.

    Note that this returns the full accounts and not the AccountId collection.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Vec<Account>

  • Details: Returns all accounts that have the given asset.


Assets include simple numbers, but also a special type of key-to-value map that is used as a secure data storage for privileged information.


  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Returns all known assets by value.


    You should note that this is not the same as AssetDefinition. If you have one asset called e.g. tea#wonderland that belongs to every account on the blockchain, you will receive the aggregated value across all accounts, but not the information such as the type of the asset.


  • Returns: Vec<AssetDefinition>

  • Details: Returns all known asset definitions by value.


    To reduce the load on the network, we store the definition of an asset separate from its instances. So if you want to know if an asset is mintable or what type is stored in it, you need to query the asset definition, rather than the asset itself.


  • Parameters: AssetId

  • Returns: Asset

  • Details: Returns the aggregated data about the asset usage across the network.


  • Parameters: Name

  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Searches the network for all assets that match the given name.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Returns all of the assets that belong to a given account.


  • Parameters: AssetDefinitionId

  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Searches for all of the assets that have the given definition ID.


  • Parameters: DomainId

  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Returns all assets that are registered in the given domain.


  • Parameters: (DomainId, AssetDefinitionId)

  • Returns: Vec<Asset>

  • Details: Searches the domain for assets that have the given definition ID.


  • Parameters: AssetId

  • Returns: NumericValue

  • Details: Returns the asset quantity.

    Note that this query assumes that the asset given by the identifier is of type AssetValue::Quantity.


    This query can fail.


  • Parameters: (AssetId, Name)

  • Returns: Value

  • Details: Gets the value keyed by the given name in the metadata of the asset corresponding to the given identifier.


  • Parameters: (AssetDefinitionId, Name)

  • Returns: Value

  • Details: Gets the value keyed by the given name in the metadata of the asset definition corresponding to the given identifier.


  • Parameters: AssetDefinitionId

  • Returns: NumericValue

  • Details: Finds the total asset quantity for the given asset definition. For the Store asset value, finds the sum of asset quantities through all accounts that hold the specified asset.



  • Returns: Vec<VersionedCommittedBlock>
  • Details: Returns all blocks in the blockchain.


  • Returns: Vec<BlockHeader>
  • Details: Returns all block headers for blocks in the blockchain.


  • Parameters: Hash
  • Returns: BlockHeader
  • Details: Gets the block header that matches the hash that was provided.


The domain is the basic unit of organisation in an Iroha blockchain. Accounts and assets must be registered inside a domain, triggers are usually scoped by domain, and most queries have the domain as a possible input.


  • Returns: Vec<Domain>

  • Details: Returns all of the known registered domains.


    This query returns the full contents of the world state view as of execution. This query should be used sparingly and for debugging purposes only.


  • Parameters: DomainId

  • Returns: Domain

  • Details: Gets the domain corresponding to the given identifier.


  • Parameters: (DomainId, Name)

  • Returns: Value

  • Details: Returns the value keyed by the given name in the domain corresponding to the given identifier.


A peer is the basic unit of storage and validation. In common parlance we may conflate the node and the peer binary running on the node, but in this case we specifically mean the peer binary as a server with its specific configuration.


  • Returns: Vec<Peer>

  • Details: Returns all known peers identified by their key and accompanied by the address of the API endpoint of each.


  • Returns: Vec<Parameter>

    pub enum Parameter {
        /// Maximum amount of Faulty Peers in the system.
        /// Maximum time for a leader to create a block.
        /// Maximum time for a proxy tail to send commit message.
        /// Time to wait for a transaction Receipt.
  • Details: Returns the parameters used by all peers in the network.

    This is useful for debugging if any of the peers are incorrectly configured and causing view changes.


It is often necessary to query the state of specific transactions, especially for use in blockchain explorers and for user-facing applications.


  • Parameters: AccountId

  • Returns: Vec<TransactionValue>

    pub enum TransactionValue {
        /// Committed transaction
        /// Rejected transaction with reason of rejection
  • Details: Returns the full set of transactions that an account has submitted throughout the existence of the blockchain.


  • Parameters: Hash

  • Returns: TransactionValue

  • Details: Returns the transaction by hash.


Iroha is an event-driven architecture. Every modification of the world state emits a corresponding event that can be captured by appropriate event listeners called filters.


Note that Iroha shut downs all listeners on panic.


  • Returns: Vec<TriggerId>

  • Details: Finds all currently active triggers, that is, triggers that have not expired at the time of the query.


  • Parameters: TriggerId

  • Returns: Trigger

  • Details: Finds the trigger with the given ID.


  • Parameters: (TriggerId, Name)

  • Returns: Trigger

  • Details: Finds the value corresponding to the key in the metadata of the trigger with the given ID.


  • Parameters: DomainId

  • Returns: Vec<Trigger>

  • Details: Finds all domain triggers for the given domain ID.